This book. Oh my goodness!! I loved it. I got an ARC (advanced review copy) of it, from Larramie at The Divining Wand, and I cannot thank her enough.
This book, from the first sentence, pulls you in: "I wasn't surprised when Mama asked me to save her life." Right away you are swept into the lives of Lulu and Merry, sisters who must go through life after experiencing a horrible act when they were ten and six, respectively. Lulu goes into denial, Merry continues with her life as she believes that it should be. I just want to hug them, the poor children who have to care for one another at such a young age. When I finished the book I wanted more! Not because the ending was insufficient (it was anything but), but because I wanted to know more. I was so sad to see it end. I love characters, I hate some (because you need to, in a way), and some I just want to give a big hug to!! I use two exclamation points, something that I hardly ever do as it is improper grammar, but this book deserves both of the points.
I am still getting over the fact that this book is over, I keep on thinking... 'but it cannot be... no!' I love this book with all my heart. There were some points in it (which I will not explain, as it gives stuff away), but there were a few points where I literally stopped breathing until that section was over. Thank you Randy! This is brilliant! :) I love the names in the story as well: Louise, Ruby, Cassandra, and all the others, they all manage to fit the characters perfectly!
I could go on for quite a long time about what is so great about this book, but then I'd have to explain for pages. So, instead in January 2010 go out and buy it!! (there go those exclamation points again...)
--Bookie ♥